Dr. Doris Taylor: Meditation yields largest increase in stem cell creation she's ever seen
If military personnel has the opportunity to ordain as a monk, what appropriate topics of the Buddhist teachings should they be taught? What kinds of merit will those who sponsor the ordination ceremony gain?
If military personnel has the opportunity to ordain as a monk, what appropriate topics of the Buddhist teachings should they be taught? And what kinds of merit will those who sponsor the ordination ceremony gain?
Faith rites boost brains, even for atheists
ประชุมวิชาการ “ครอบสุขครอบครัว ความสุขชุมชน”
กรมสุขภาพจิต กระทรวงสาธารณสุข จัดประชุมวิชาการสุขภาพจิตนานาชาติ ครั้งที่ 9 และประชุมวิชาการพัฒนาสติปัญญาเด็กไทย ครั้งที่ 7 ประจำปี 2553
Calming your negative thoughts through mindfulness
Someone asked me: the objective of maintaining the 8 precepts is to be celibate. If he is able to maintain the third precept, the other subordinate precepts such as the sixth, seventh, and eighth precepts, he does not need to maintain those. Is this tru
Someone asked me: the objective of maintaining the 8 precepts is to be celibate. If he is able to maintain the third precept, the other subordinate precepts such as the sixth, seventh, and eighth precepts, he does not need to maintain those. Is this true?
Meditation Center of Chicago (M.C.C.) arranged Sunday Ceremonies
Meditation Center of Chicago (M.C.C.), USA, arranged Sunday Ceremonies and taught dharma
Is there a way to console or recommendation we can offer to encourage who wishes to commit suicide to choose life?
It’s the case of knowing someone who’s undergoing untold suffering and distress and wishes to commit suicide. Is there a way to console or recommendation we can offer to encourage him to choose life?
Palm Beach Meditation Center arranged the medicine offering ceremony
What principle of Dhamma shall we follow to be millionaires over lives?